8 easy swaps for an eco-friendly home
There are some scary facts out there that highlight the
current issue of waste – for example, did you know that by 2050, the ocean will
contain more plastic waste (by weight) than fish?
There’s no doubt that we all need to give more thought to
what we put in the bin. So, tying in with Earth Day on 22 April – an annual
event held to demonstrate support for environmental protection – Team GP have
put together some easy swaps to help you maintain an eco-friendlier home. Which
one will you try first?
1.Sponge scourer

Your typical kitchen sponge is made from polyurethane, a
petroleum-based material that can’t be recycled or composted. So that means it’ll
end up in landfill – for hundreds, if not thousands,
of years.
This pack of two donut-shaped, biodegradable and highly
durable multi-purpose scourers from EcoCoconut are the perfect alternative.
Ethically made in Sri Lanka from coconut fibre (or coir), these scourers will
do a great job of getting your pots and pans clean – and they don’t cost the
earth either!
2.Cling film

When you’re preparing your lunch in the morning for work,
you’d be forgiven for not thinking too much about the wrap you use to keep your
sandwiches fresh. But, unfortunately, cling film can't be recycled because the
chemicals and resins added to make the cling film “clingy” and stretchable
can’t be removed, making it too complex a plastic to recycle.
Beeswax Wraps are the “people and planet
friendly alternative to cling film and tinfoil”. While its wraps are
biodegradable, they’re designed to be used time and time again. Simply clean
them with clean water and a bit of soap and they’re ready to roll.

The UK Government is said to be considering implementing a ban on plastic straws that would come into
force in 2020. That probably tells you all you need to know about their severe
impact on the environment and wildlife.
Many pubs and bars have swapped their plastic straws with
biodegradable versions. Why not go one better and invest in some glass straws?
These hand-blown, shatterproof glass straws from HipSip even come with delightful golden charms
to personalise your drink.
4.Kitchen towels

Having something on hand to clear up any spillages in the
kitchen is essential. But paper towels aren’t the best thing to reach for (if
you’re trying to be eco-friendly) because they can’t be recycled.
Unpaper Towels are the perfect, washable,
reusable, zero-waste option to replace typical kitchen roll. Not only can they
compete with kitchen towels on absorbency, these birdseye cotton towels make an
eco-friendly addition to your kitchen.
5.Toilet roll

Not all toilet paper is biodegradable. Who Gives a Crap’s 100% tissue is.
Making the switch will ensure you’re doing your bit to save the amount of paper
going to landfill. Also, unlike other brands, WGAC doesn’t use trees to make
its paper, it uses forest-friendly bamboo – as WGAC puts it: “Trees should be
for hugging, not wiping!”
6.Bin bags
The black bin bag that lines your bin doesn’t get recycled. But the Green Sack’s brilliant alternative is made from 100% recycled polythene. Their transparency means that they’re perfect for throwing segregated waste into, as the contents will be visible so you know exactly what’s inside. The material is thick too, so they can hold your rubbish safely and securely.

For all our lives, all we’ve ever known is shampoo to come
in plastic bottles. But Lush is on a mission to change that. Its
shampoo bars are package-free and fragrance-heavy. Made from nourishing natural
ingredients, Lush promises that your hair will feel softer than ever and full
of volume. You’ll never look back...

If you haven’t already, save yourself some cash and help cut
back on the thousands of tonnes of batteries that get sent to landfill each
year by making the switch to GP rechargeables, plus a GP charger, so that one pack of batteries will
last you years and years.
As well as helping to save the planet, it also means you
won’t have to make any more last-minute trips to the shops when your TV remote
control stops working or you don’t spot the ‘batteries not included’ wording on
your child’s new toy!
Which of these swaps do you plan on introducing into your
home? Let us know on our Facebook and Twitter pages, and please introduce us to
any other eco-friendly options you already swear by!
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