8 scary facts about waste

‘Tis the season of all things scary, so we thought we’d get into the ‘spirit’ of things by sharing eight frightening facts about waste. Some of them are pretty shocking, but fear not - there are things that can be done to reduce our impact on the environment... 1. The amount of waste generated in the UK could fill Lake Windermere in just eight months Lake Windermere is Britain’s biggest lake, but the rubbish produced in the UK could fill it up entirely in just eight months. While we’re all bound to create waste, what’s important is for us to limit it as much as possible by following the three R's: reduce, reuse, recycle. That goes for at home and at work – read our tips for going green in the office here . 2. Every year we throw away over 600 million batteries Single-use batteries are clogging up landfill sites, which is why we’re encouraging customers to make the switch to rechargeables , which can be reused hundreds of times (and often well over a t...