5 apps to make your next holiday the best one yet

It’s only normal to want to make your next holiday your best one yet. You’ve earned it, after all. So, to help you make that perfect holiday a reality, Team GP has collated the five best travel apps for you to download onto your smartphones. We’ve got everything covered from learning the lingo before you go, to apps that help you switch off and enjoy that much-needed downtime once you’re there. Whether you’re going away this Easter or later in the year, have your phone’s app store at the ready… 1.Get organised There’s a lot to do before you jet off. You need to make sure that you’ve sorted travel insurance, that everyone’s passport is up to date, that you’ve exchanged some money…the list goes on. It’s easy to forget something (check out our article on holiday essentials you never knew you needed ) and just as bad is that niggling feeling you’ve left an essential item behind as you travel to the airport. Wunderlist is a simple to-do list and task m...