GP's Reduce Your Footprint campaign – get involved!

Global warming, overpopulation, deforestation, pollution… there’s no hiding from the fact we humans are hurting our planet. Every action, every decision we make has an impact, which is why we all need to take steps to make sure our lifestyles are as sustainable as possible. When it comes to protecting the planet and reducing our carbon footprint, little changes make a huge difference. Just imagine the impact if every single person made a small, but positive change to the way they live? Reduce Your Footprint TODAY If you know GP, you’ll know we’re serious about protecting the environment. This is exactly why we’ve launched the Reduce Your Footprint campaign, which is based on three main principles: ● Reduce. The less you use and throw away, the more you’ll reduce personal waste and waste sent to landfill. ● Recycle. From batteries and clothes, to cardboard boxes and yoghurt pots, there are so many household items t...