A rechargeable battery is for life, not just for Christmas!

At Christmas, there are certain things we always end up needing more of. Whether we run out of sticky tape or Quality Street, you can almost guarantee that we’ll find ourselves having to make a mad, last-minute dash to the shops.

Batteries are definitely one of those things. It’s surprising the number of gadgets and toys we buy for our friends and family that require a few AA or AAA batteries to work. And if we don’t need them for gifts, we need them around the house – for lighting up the tree, powering the novelty singing Santa statue, or charging the shaver for the Christmas morning beard trim!

Make the switch

No matter what, we’re always going to need batteries at Christmas time. So, this year, why not finally make the switch to rechargeables?

GP’s ReCyko+ rechargeable batteries can be boosted hundreds – some of them thousands – of times, for use across all of your battery-powered devices. Choose GP and your charging needs will be catered for throughout the year, and for many Christmases to come.

Of course, you’re going to need something to boost your batteries with. GP stock a range of battery chargers, and the great thing is, many of our charging packs come with batteries that you can use right away – perfect for when the kids demand to play with their toys the moment they unwrap them!

A greener New Year

Have you made it one of your resolutions for 2018 to do a bit more for the environment? These stats, courtesy of One Green Planet, might surprise you: rechargeable batteries use 23 times less non-renewable natural resources than the single-use alternative, have 28 times less impact on global warming and 30 times less impact on air pollution.

Research from Recycle More reveals that we throw away a mammoth 600 million batteries every year, and that leads to 20,000 tonnes being added to UK landfill sites. By using rechargeables, you’ll help to minimise waste, meaning a cleaner planet and a clearer conscience!

Don’t just buy rechargeables batteries and chargers for your own gifts and devices; they also make great stocking fillers and will encourage your friends and family to be kinder to the environment.

Significant savings over time

Rechargeable batteries tend to cost a little more to buy initially, but you should see huge savings over time. More money in your pocket means you can afford to spend a little more on your loved ones at Christmas – or pop it in a tin and treat yourself to something special in the January sales!

With 25th of December just around the corner, make the switch to rechargeables and it’ll be your greenest Christmas yet. 


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