How to take the perfect selfie

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and in particular, Instagram, have given rise to a new, photographic phenomenon: the selfie.

According to a Frames Direct infographic, millennials take nine selfies a week, spending around seven minutes on each one. It’s estimated that they’ll take a staggering 27,500 selfies over their lifetime!

Whether you’re out in a bar with friends, cheering on your favourite football team or gazing at a glorious sunset, there are endless situations where you may find yourself reaching for your phone in search for that perfect, self-portrait shot.

Here are our top 6 tips to help you take the perfect selfie, every time:

Go natural

Forget fluorescent or artificial lighting – soft, natural light is key to selfie success. Sunlight helps to highlight your facial features and at the same time, minimise shadows (meaning no more dark circles underneath the eyes). So, if you’re setting up an indoor shot, position yourself near a window or within reach of natural light.

Angle down

One of selfie queen Kim Kardashian’s tricks for taking the perfect selfie is ‘chin down, camera up.’ Holding your camera or phone slightly above your head, angled down, will guarantee a flattering photo – if you can’t master the positioning, try again with a selfie stick (a must-have piece of kit for selfie fans).

Rely on props

If you’re a self-confessed selfie fiend, create your own photography studio with accessories that’ll help you take perfect shots, time and time again. From mini fans that attach to your phone or camera and are designed to subtly blow air in your face as you take the perfect shot, to selfie remotes and tripods, these props will allow you to perfect your selfie finesse.

Keep it charged

Snapping selfie after selfie will undoubtedly sap the battery life of your phone or camera, so make sure you have back up by investing in a GP PowerBank Mobile Charger. This nifty accessory will boost your USB devices – like your phone, camera and portable fan – to ensure your device won’t let you down when you’re lining up that perfect shot.

Find your filter

Adding a filter to your selfies can enhance your shots and help to emphasise your best bits, but the trick is to not overdo it. If you’ve taken the selfie using natural lighting, then you shouldn’t need to edit it too much. As many people will attest, au naturel is often best!

There’s an app for that

Use your smartphone for selfies? There are tonnes of apps out there that will provide you with selfie-taking support. Most are essentially touch-up tools, but there are apps like Cam Me, which allows you to take hands-free photos; or Frontback, where you can take a selfie while simultaneously capturing what’s going on around you.

Now you know the tricks for taking the perfect selfie, all that’s left to do is grab your favourite GP PowerBank mobile charger and snap away!


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